About steam power plant

Steam turbines are one of the oldest and most versatile prime mover technologies remaining in general use. They drive countless machines and produce power in many plants worldwide. Steam turbines have been in use for more than 120 years, when they replaced reciprocating steam engines because of their higher efficiencies and lower costs. The capacity of a steam turbine can range from 20 kilowatts to several hundred megawatts (MW) for large drivers.
A steam turbine is used to produce the maximum amount of mechanical power using the minimum amount of steam in a compact driver arrangement, usually in a direct-drive configuration. Speed variation or speed adjustment capabilities are also important for steam turbines. Currently, steam turbines are widely used in different driver applications for mechanical drives and power generation units and produce nearly 1 million (MW) of capacity worldwide.
The steam turbine rotor is the spinning component that has wheels and blades attached to it. The blade is the component that extracts energy from the steam.
